Episode 100

Published on:

18th Jun 2024

The Five Rhythms Energy System- Finding Balance & Unlocking Your Element -100

Ever wondered how the ancient wisdom of the five elements can transform your everyday life? Prepare to be illuminated- in this episode of The Grit Show, Shawna Rodrigues sits down with Angela Goodstein, a seasoned energy medicine practitioner and crystal healer. Angela gives us a tantalizing glimpse into the mysteries of the five rhythms energy system and its profound impact on our health, relationships, and stress responses. Imagine leading a meeting at work with a clearer understanding of your team's elemental energies, or managing your own stress by tapping into your unique rhythm. Intrigued? You should be. Dive into a conversation that promises not just knowledge, but real tools for navigating life's challenges with more ease and flow. We care about self care and helping you live your best life! Get ready to uncover your primary element and discover how it influences every aspect of your life—from physical well-being to interpersonal dynamics. Don't miss out; this episode is a treasure trove for anyone seeking balance and insight.

Curious to understand more - 5 Rhythms Survey

A visual of the wheel that Angela shared during our conversation is up at: https://links.thegritshow.com/

Angela Goodstein is a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner (EEM-CP), Crystal Healer, and Jewelry Designer. With over two decades of prior corporate experience, she now focuses on integrating her varied expertise to elevate energetic awareness in all aspects of life. Her corporate background enables her to share energy work in a way that is applicable in professional settings as well as personal life, promoting well-being, balance, alignment, and empowerment. Learn more about her workshops, presentations, retreats, jewelry and one-on-one sessions on her websites:

www.justiciahealing.com and www.justiciajewelry.com 

Connect with her on Instagram:

@justiciahealing and @justiciaartisanjewelry

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Shawna Rodrigues [:

Do you ever feel like there is something more that is at play in life? Something that is fueling the way things work and what feeds into things to make things happen? I know that at times I feel that way. And today we get to have a really incredible conversation with our guest that kind of makes you see things in a new way. Have you ever heard of the five rhythms energy system? I know I hadn't. I was definitely curious about it. Each of these rhythms is represented by a fundamental element which made it seem a little familiar. But as soon as you listen and realize that would a metal are two of the elements, it's not quite what you've heard about before. Or at least it wasn't for me. This conversation with Angela is so exciting and eye opening, is full of wisdom and insights on the interplay of these energy systems and how each of us have stronger elements and pieces of us that show up in different ways and how that fuels things, our interpersonal, our health, our way of moving through the world, and how other people's stronger elements show up and how that influences us as well.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

It's such a great conversation. I'm so excited you're here for it. We do only get to the tip of the iceberg because it really is a big iceberg, especially when it's new. Right? I think we get a lot out of it, though, so I'm so excited you're here. And if you stick around to the end, there's actually a that she offers that you get the link for, and you can take a quiz and see which element is showing up more for you, which is pretty exciting. This is such a wonderful way for us to celebrate the 100th episode of The Grit Show. Yes, 100 episodes. Isn't that a little mind blowing? I know it is for me.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

It's also very exciting to think there are 100 of these episodes of new ways of thinking, incredible conversations with great thought leaders about different ways to help you move through life with a little more ease. I'm so glad you're here today and that you keep showing up, listening in, and having new ways of seeing things to bring more joy and ease to your life. So thanks for being here. I'm glad you're a part of this. Welcome to The Grit Show. Growth on purpose. I'm your host, Shawna Rodrigues, and I'm happy to be here with you as your guide for all of us growing together as seekers and thrivers. I first got to meet Angela because of her incredible skill with creative expression and the fact she creates soul power jewelry for her just artisan jewelry, she has two decades of corporate experience in her background.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

That is where she gets the depth of skill that has fed her into her deeper calling. Angela Goodstein is a certified energy medicine practitioner, certified crystal healer.

Angela Goodstein [:

It's a lot. The specia artisan jewelry.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Founder of Justicia Healing and the co founder of Justicia Artisan Jewelry. She elevates energetic awareness and all aspects of life. She promotes well being, balance, alignment, and empowerment. She now does workshops, presentations, retreats, and offers her expertise in a variety of ways that we will learn more about in our conversation today. We get to focus a little bit on energy theory and understanding energetic relationships with the five rhythm energies. So thank you so much for being here today, Angela, to chat with us.

Angela Goodstein [:

Thank you for having me.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Yes, I'm excited to learn more about this, and I want to get into a little bit about your transition, because you've had quite a journey going from corporate to doing the jewelry and then doing the energetic healing that you do and the work that you do now. But let's just start with the energy theory and what led you to working with this as your focus?

Angela Goodstein [:

So I was a very intuitive child, and I was really fortunate to have a family that was supportive of that. And so I, you know, my grandmother used to come to me in my crib when I was a baby. Like, it was, you know, I saw auras. I didn't know that other people didn't see auras. And then when I entered into school, I sort of shut all of that down. Right? Because it wasn't. It was like, oh, you know, people aren't seeing this bug around people's head and stuff like that. And so I shut all of that down, and I kept it shut down.

Angela Goodstein [:

And the result was I had chronic sinus infections for 16 years. Oh, wow. It's a third eye issue, right?

Shawna Rodrigues [:


Angela Goodstein [:

And so once I kind of got into college, I started, like, becoming interested in tarot and just sort of, like, interested in energy and different things in the sort of metaphysical world. And around that same time, I started making jewelry and working with the stones. Making jewelry. I started feeling the energy of the stones and sort of recognizing, like, oh, this one makes me hot, or this one makes me anxious. And so I started kind of, like, going down the road of, like, understanding crystals and the metaphysical properties and things like that, of crystals at that time. And then I had multiple sinus surgeries. Still struggling with chronic sinus infection. I mean, I had an open prescription.

Angela Goodstein [:

I don't know. I probably had a hundred rounds of antibiotics in my system at that time, but I went to a Reiki class just with a friend, was like, hey, do you want to try out this Reiki class with me? I was like, yeah, I'm kind of into these things. And I completely blew open my third eye in the Reiki class and stopped having sinus infections, and I haven't had one for, like, 15 years now. Oh, my God.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

It gave me goosebumps. That's incredible.

Angela Goodstein [:

Yeah, so obviously that was, like, you know, a before and after moment, like, a prompt to really sort of understand, like, other. Right, yeah. How energy impacts our lives. And so that kind of sent me down the path, and I continued to study crystals, continued to make jewelry, and I became certified. I did a couple certifications for crystal healing, and I was actually practicing crystal healing, and I started seeing more energy again. Like, that part of my intuition opened up again. And so I was actually doing a session on my dad, and I remember he had, like, a black tornado over his shoulder that I could kind of, like, move. And I was like, okay, I need more contacts.

Angela Goodstein [:

I don't know what the black tornado is now. I know that it's an energy vortex, like, a lot. He had an old shoulder injury, and so a lot of times, like, energy vortex, which is kind of like just a vacuum, like, a suction of energy will form over chronic injuries. So that's when I went to through the Eden program. Eden energy medicine is what I was trained in, and we focused on nine different energy systems, and it just sort of continued to snowball from there. Like, I just sort of realize, like, oh, I'm working for attorneys, doing marketing, corporate marketing for attorneys. And I'd have attorneys come into my office and, like, have, you know, something really negative to say, and I'd be like, hmm, make attorneys money or do this other, like, more meaningful, purpose driven work. So I slowly kind of worked my way out of the law firm, and then I was consulting as a, you know, a marketing consultant for, you know, across various industries for about eight years.

Angela Goodstein [:

And that was, like, two years ago that I really kind of, like, stopped doing any marketing consulting and fully stepped in. I had been building my business over that time, and it just was the right time to kind of step out of the corporate marketing world, but all very organic, like, very felt sort of healing myself in the process, and that's kind of how I ended up here.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

That is quite a journey, and I love that you, like, started with the jewelry and the crystals and, like, finding that piece and then eventually opening yourself up to the ways that you connected and finding your way.

Angela Goodstein [:

Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's. The crystals are still, like, I love crystals. They're so powerful. They work specifically. I mean, crystals work with multiple energy systems. They work with the chakras, they work with the aura, but they work specifically with an energy system called the radiant circus. It's sometimes called, like, the extraordinary vessels or extraordinary meridians is what it's referred to in chinese medicine.

Angela Goodstein [:

And I actually knew about that system before. I actually learned about the system in energy medicine school, because people would leave after crystal healings, and they would, like, I was constantly getting feedback. Like, they'd go home and their husband would be like, you look different, or, wow, you look really radiant, and you look so bright or lit from within. Like, all of this feedback was coming back that people were literally illuminated after these sessions. And so when I started learning about the radiant circuits, which are the energy system that governs your gratitude and your joy and helps create new neural pathways, I was like, I know this system because people literally look lit up from within. So crystals are still the foundation of my work. I do a lot in energy sessions, one on one sessions with people. I'll usually lay crystals on them regardless if it's a crystal healing or not, because I think it's just such a.

Angela Goodstein [:

They're just such profound little tools.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Was it hard for you to find the right people in the right training and the right ways to hone your skills in this, or once you, like, opened yourself up to it, it just kind of flowed.

Angela Goodstein [:

Yeah, it's really been a very organic journey. Like, just people have kind of. I mean, some weird people have shown up, too, but, yeah, just people have sort of been showed up in my life, and opportunities have showed up, and it was not been hard. I will say, like, sort of 1ft in the corporate world, and 1ft in this world was a little bit difficult to navigate because, you know, I worked for lawyers. Yes, that is very literal. And even marketing was a little bit of a, like, elusive thing for them, you know, so this was certainly elusive. So that was probably where I experienced the most sort of resistance to what I do. I don't really, you know, I always say when people are like, well, I don't know about that.

Angela Goodstein [:

I'm, like, not my first skeptic. I mean, there's enough people that are, like, on the fence about it or into it that I don't even try and convince people anymore. But in my practice, I see a lot of people who are sort of like, they're like, well, I've tried everything else, so I'm here now. It's kind of like in this, you know, I get people when they're very imbalanced because they've tried everything else. And, you know, when I went to school, people were. I was in school with, like, a neurosurgeon, lots of nurses, and I remember being like, why are you here? And they were like, because there's something else. We work with patients every day in, like, this traditional western medicine, which is necessary. Right.

Angela Goodstein [:

But they would recognize there's something else. I get a lot of referrals from, like, naturopaths who are like, nothing's showing up on the test. They think it's energetic. So, yeah, I mean, it's. There's plenty of people that are into it, and there's plenty of people that are on the fence.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Well, there's so much more to learn and so much more to understand, and it's kind of your story alone about how you kind of came into understanding yourself and what was being blocked for you once you kind of opened those things up, how much things changed for you, and there was a physical response to that. It's pretty powerful.

Angela Goodstein [:

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, to not have the sinus infections anymore was just. It was profound. I mean, I suffered for so long, and it was literally because I shut down my intuition.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Yes. So tell us more about the five rhythms energy theory. And understanding energetic relationships lead us into that.

Angela Goodstein [:

Yeah. So the five rhythms energy theory is one of the nine energy systems that I learned about. And, I mean, I guess it comes from chinese medicine. Thousands of years ago, chinese medicine practitioners sort of identified everything in the material world as having been made up with these five elements. So the five elements are water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. And you'll hear different terms for this theory. You'll hear five elements. You'll hear five walks, five phases, five seasons.

Angela Goodstein [:

And the most common term, I guess, in the western world would be the five elements because of the ancient pictograms that our lovely ancestors left for us, which were sort of these concrete, observable elements of water would fire, earth, and metal. One of my teachers, Donna Eden, who developed the Eden energy method, she calls them rhythms, because in energy medicine, it's all about how energy moves and behaves and flows. And so that term rhythm kind of depicts that a little bit better. You know, this is an ancient theory, and like I said, all of everything in the material world is believed to be made up of some combination of these five fundamental elements, including us because we're part of, you know, the natural material world. And so each of us has a primary and a secondary. We have all of the rhythms, all of the elements within us, but there is a primary and a secondary that we, you know, resonate with more. It's essentially the lens in which you view the world. And this is such a deep theory.

Angela Goodstein [:

Like, I've been studying this for years because, I mean, it's its personality type. It's how you walk, it's how you talk. If you hear it in people's laughs, you can kind of tell their rhythm based on the way that they laugh. It impacts their stress response. You're able to really see when people are in balance, and when they're out of balance, you're really able to see the stress response, and that defines the rhythm. There's organs associated with each of the elements. There's systems in the body. And I guess, for me, when I was learning about this, the easiest way to describe it is to kind of show you this.

Angela Goodstein [:

This is the five elements theory, as, like, illustrated in a little model. And she's showing me right now that.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

There'S, like, there's a circle, so it has a color for each of the elements, and then it also has, like, these arrows that show how they all interact with each other as well as giving you further information on them. So we can definitely make sure that we have a link to be able to show that in the show notes. If you go to the link, you'll be able to see the picture. Yes.

Angela Goodstein [:

Yeah. So, you know, other than kind of understanding the defining characteristics of each of the elements, it's important to understand how they interact, like you mentioned. And so there's two ways that they interact. And so if you see on the outside here, there's these arrows on the outside that go around the circle, and that's called the flow cycle, and that's how each of the elements are fed, how they receive energy. And so water feeds wood, right? Water feeds wood. Wood feeds fire, fires ash, like, you know, creates earth. Earth decomposes and compresses and creates metals and minerals, and then the metal and the minerals feed water. So that's how each of the elements is fed.

Angela Goodstein [:

And then if you see in the middle, there's that star, and that depicts the control cycle, which is the mediating effect. So if you have too much of something, how do you control it? Right. So water douses fire. Fire melts metal. Metal cuts wood, like in an axe. Wood anchors earth like tree roots. If you think about tree roots anchoring earth, and then earth dams and contains water. So those.

Angela Goodstein [:

And the goal in energy medicine is always balance. And so we're always kind of, like, flowing between these two relationships of flow and control. So if you understand what your primary element is, and you can kind of start to understand, like, oh, I need more of this, or, I need less of this. And so that's kind of the two things to understand, is that they interact and that there's a flow and a control cycle. And then I guess for me, when I was learning about this, because I remember, like, an energy medicine being like, what are they talking about? It was really helpful to think of this theory in terms of metaphor. And so two of the metaphors, one of them is the season. And so water is connected with winter. Spring is connected to the wood season.

Angela Goodstein [:

Wood element. Fire is summer. Earth is late summer, and then metal is autumn. And so if you look at what's happening in any of those seasons, you can kind of start to understand the characteristics of that element. So, like winter, right? It's cold, it gets dark earlier. That is actually a cue for us because we're intrinsic to nature. Like, the whole goal in energy medicine and chinese medicine is to be in balance with that which is around you, including the seasons and the environment. So in the winter, and this is a little bit different in central Oregon.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

No worries.

Angela Goodstein [:

Because people are very active here. But the cue of winter is that it's dark earlier, it's cold out. We should be filling up the coffers for the rest of the year, right?

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Resting. Hibernating.

Angela Goodstein [:

Yeah, hibernating, exactly. And, you know, summer, it's bright, and we're meant to be more active at that time of year. So looking at the seasons, you're kind of able to be like, oh, that's a really active energy. Or that is not an active energy. That's like more of a time to hibernate and to be quiet and still. The other metaphor is the life cycle. So water corresponds with the embryonic phase. It's actually kind of like death to, like conception to, like, 18 months.

Angela Goodstein [:

Wood is childhood. Fire is adolescence, late summer, or earth is like maturity. And then the meadow season is old age. And so you can kind of start to look at, like, what's the energy happening in that particular life cycle? And you can see what the energy of that element is. So for me, I'm a, I'm a metal, and I actually, I love the autumn season, but I am like, you know, if you think about what's happening in autumn, like, the trees are losing their leaves. It's sort of like discerning what is necessary and what is not.

Shawna Rodrigues [:


Angela Goodstein [:

And that is very much my personality. Like, I love to, you know, find that little nugget of truth. Like, what is it? And for you, you're an earth, which I think is so interesting because, and I can get a little bit more into the characteristics of each if you want. But what you're doing with this podcast is so earth like. I mean, literally, even in the words that you say, you know, we focus on tools and ways of thinking that directs us towards purpose. We support our listeners. So earth is a very, you know, if you think about late summer, nothing's like really growing at that time. You're just sort of maintaining, you're managing, you're like nurturing everything.

Angela Goodstein [:

Right. And so earth is a season of a simulating change. Right. Which is another reason that you have this podcast is like, you want to kind of help people who've like, done the thing and are now sort of moving to their purpose. Like, this podcast is like, exemplifies your earth. Yeah. The other words, like, you're a secondary wood. And other words that you say in here is the grit show is about growth and purpose.

Angela Goodstein [:

Look at what's happening in spring. That's when, like, everything is bursting forward. It's a, it's rising yang. It's high growth time. It's a lot of development. I mean, your, your podcast embodies your two elements perfectly, which I think is interesting.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So it's in alignment. I love that.

Angela Goodstein [:

Perfectly aligned. Yeah. So, yeah, yeah.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

So you probably could have guessed my, my top two just by reading about the podcast.

Angela Goodstein [:

Yeah, I knew I was like, I mean, because just a little bit about each of the elements. Water. Like a person who has strong water. They are great with ideas. They love the beginning. But if you think about the season, there isn't a lot of sun. There isn't a lot of sun to charge our batteries. Waters tend to have a hard time.

Angela Goodstein [:

It's a long haul project. They're really good at the beginning phases. They're all about, you know, the. The seas of possibility. Right. Would. Is again, childhood. Spring bursting forth, lots of growth, very assertive.

Angela Goodstein [:

Summer being like adolescence. It's sort of like, I always like to think about fires as, like, they just don't really, like, they want to enjoy this. Like, they want to enjoy not strive too much, which is like totally what adolescents like. They're very present in this moment. They're very aware of their surroundings. Yeah. So that's a little bit more about the other elements, but, yeah, it's just kind of an, it was really interesting to read through your purpose in this podcast and see so much of your elements in it so that it all connects.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Yes. So help us know that. And so then again, to think about. So the mitigation of those pieces, though, that you talked about. So what's the mitigation of that that you talk through the errors of what to do when you have too much of that or when you need to.

Angela Goodstein [:

Think about that, like, the relationship? I'll give you an example. So I did a presentation to an entrepreneur group that I was in around this theory, and I was just kind of curious. I love looking at, like, companies as a whole and understanding, like, the company rhythm. Right. And so I kind of was like, I want to know, you know, how, what we are as a group. Like, what is our primary rhythm as a group? And so everybody took the quiz that I had sent to you, and I came in to do my presentation, and my dear friend Annie, who was in the group with me, was like, and she is a full on fire. Like, she is, like, super witty. She's fun, exuberant, like, all the things that define a fire.

Angela Goodstein [:

And I came in, and she was hot. Like, she was mad at her husband, and she was like, I'm so mad at him. Like, you know, he didn't want to do this, and he was grumpy and he didn't pick up flankers. And, like, she had all these reasons that she was super hot and upset about it. So as I started talking about this, she knew she was a fire, right? She had taken the test, and as I started talking about this, she looked at me and she goes, what do you think Ryan is? And I was like, well, I'm pretty sure he's a wood because there's physical characteristics. And aside from sort of the lens in which he sees the world and, like, the behaviors and stuff, there's some physical characteristics. And I was like, I'm pretty sure Ryan's a wood. And I was like, wood feeds fire.

Angela Goodstein [:

When Brian is out of sync, right? When he's too much of something, when he's stressed, he's feeding too much of that energy into the fire of Annie. And the thing about the fires is, like, they actually mirror to us our own imbalances because they are so affected by the people around us. So she was highly affected by him and very, like, spun out by his over energy, right? But the beautiful thing about this couple is that his secondary is water, which on the control cycle, water douses fire. So he has this ability to really calm her when she's sort of in, like, a heightened, chaotic state as well, as long as he's not, like, feeding into that through his wood. So it's really interesting. Like, this has completely changed my interpersonal relationships because I now see people as their rhythm. And so it's like, well, like, a water tends to. They don't.

Angela Goodstein [:

And this is not in a malicious way, but they don't understand how they affect people. Because if you think about that little baby, right, the life cycle is early, early, like, embryonic days to, like, those first few months of life. That baby isn't worried about how its mother, like, how much sleep mom is getting. It's like, I have a needle, I need to eat, or my pants are food. You know what I mean? Like, that baby isn't worried about it. And so understanding that about your water friends that, like, when they do something, you know, this isn't an excuse for bad behavior by any means, but you can kind of understand, like, they just don't see the world the same way we do. They don't look through the same lens. Whereas Earth can be an out of balance.

Angela Goodstein [:

Earth goes to, like, worry. That's sort of the emotion that's associated with earth in an imbalanced state. And it can be excessive worry. But they're so interested in, like, creating stability and comfort and safety for everybody that they can be, their out of balance state can be over giving, giving too much, doing too much for other people, and, like, actually sacrificing themselves. So it's important for their partners to see when they are over giving and to bring that awareness to them. So it's completely changed. Like, and I don't even take offense. Like, my friends who are woods.

Angela Goodstein [:

Woods tend to go to anger, and anger is a spectrum, right. There can be, like, irritation to rage. They tend to go to anger when they're out of balance. And I don't even get upset about that anymore. I'm like, oh, you're out of balance. What do we need to bring you back into balance? Right? Is it a deficiency? Do we need to feed you more water? Or is it something that we need to mitigate through bringing in something of the metal element? And that could be a person that could literally be, like, working in metal. You know, there's lots of different ways that you can sort of balance, but identifying when there is an imbalance and then being able to help the people around you if you're not aware of it yourself, help the people around you understand what they need to bring balance back into their life. That makes sense.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Yes. It has you wondering about all sorts of people and what they are, though.

Angela Goodstein [:

Yeah. I mean, just really interesting to look at it this way. It takes a lot of the personal stuff out of it. Like I was telling you before we started, you do really see people's rhythm in their imbalance or in their stress state. So for water, the stress emotion is fear, but imbalance waters our hope. Right? They bring that element of hope and new beginnings and the possibilities. For woods, it's anger. When they're in a stress states.

Angela Goodstein [:

Like, I call the woods the goodbye, Earl. Girls. Like, they are the ones that are, like, cool. We need to bury a body. Like, I've got. I've got the rope. I've got all the things that we need. You know, these are the people that you would want if, like, you were living in a commune.

Angela Goodstein [:

They will. They will make stuff happen. They are all about getting stuff done. Fires are all about joy. That is their imbalance. Emotion. They bring joy. They bring exuberance.

Angela Goodstein [:

They bring light into our lives. Out of balance, it's panic. Sort of thinking about, like, that chaotic fire can get very panicky and just, like, burn through everything in its path. Earth and balance are compassion and out of balance or worry. And then medals are reverence. Medals have a lot of reverence for, like, traditions and ceremony. I remember a couple years ago, like, forever, my dad and I, over Thanksgiving weekend, have made cookies. Like, we're the first one.

Angela Goodstein [:

This is the medal in me. I'm like, I'm gonna get. I'm gonna get cookies for holiday season out first. You know, my parents were moving, and my dad was like, yeah, I don't know if we're gonna do the cookies this year. And I was like, what? Like, what do you mean we? This is a tradition. So very much about tradition, and they're in reverence to ceremony and whatnot. And out of balance, they go to grief. So for me, personally, I have had pneumonia multiple times in my life.

Angela Goodstein [:

One of the organs that's governed by the metal element is the lung, and grief settles in the lung. And so that's where knowing your element, aside from, like, knowing how you relate interpersonally and how you kind of view the world, it can give you some indicators in terms of, like, what's going to be accentuated and challenged in your physical body as well. So for me, I have had pneumonia multiple times, but I also have an excellent breathing practice. Like when I go, when I scuba dive, I can stay down longer than anybody else. My tank is always the most full. When we come up, because you have to come up with a group, it's like my breath is very accentuated but out of balance. That's where illness can settle for me. So it can be really helpful for your physical as well as your energetic well being to kind of understand what your element is.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Yeah. So if you have somebody who has, like, stomachaches a lot or who has headaches a lot, like, that's like, probably an indication of their energetic flow and that type of thing as well, then.

Angela Goodstein [:

Yeah, yeah. Like, how I use it in my one on one practice with people is I listen for certain words. Like, I listen for fear. I'm scared, you know, I listen for certain words that can be indicators for their rhythm. If I haven't had them take the test before they come in, or if somebody comes in and is like, you know, I'm constantly like, my, I'm having issues with my spleen. I'm having issues metabolizing the toxins in my body. There may be multiple things going on, but I would probably look at their rhythm, their earth rhythm, and if they're a primary earth, regardless, if you're. What's your primary? I mean, if that element within you is out of balance, it can affect those organs.

Angela Goodstein [:

I think it just generally sort of affects the governing organ more. That makes sense.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. And so knowing what your out of balance piece is, is a good way for you to be able to kind of understand where you're at on, on those pieces and.

Angela Goodstein [:

Yeah, and ideally, you wouldn't, you wouldn't know what people's rhythm is because they are what, they're also balanced. But that's not the world we live in.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

That's not the world we live in, is there, in relationships, are you often attracted to somebody that is the, what feeds or douses your balancing? Do you feel like in relationships, people, that plays into things?

Angela Goodstein [:

I definitely do, because I think that when you're energetically fed, it tends to be attractive. Right. When you're depleted, maybe not so much. And so I haven't quite, like, seen that exact, like, oh, you're attracted, you know, you're a metal and so you're attracted to a water. I haven't, not necessarily, but, yeah, I would think that when you're being fed, when somebody's natural flow is to feed into you, that's going to be attractive unless they're out of balance, and then it's too much.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Right? Yes, that would definitely be.

Angela Goodstein [:

What do you think Robbie is? I'm not sure.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Robbie is. Has been wondering if he should be taking the test so I can find out what he would be.

Angela Goodstein [:

You can have him take the test? Yeah. I always find that when I don't know what somebody is, they're usually a water, and that's not the case with him necessarily, but because water itself is a shapeshifter. Right. Like, it can be crashing and relentless. It can be very tranquil. And so waters tend to be a little bit more elusive for me. You know, I have a friend who is a wood, and for a long time, she was my running partner. I don't run anymore, but she was my running partner.

Angela Goodstein [:

Woods like, to, like, set the pace. Right. And so it was great for me to have a wood running partner because she was a faster runner than me, and so she was always setting the pace. And, you know, you can tell a wood, like, the way they walk is very, like, elbows out, very, like, beelining towards the goal. No detours. Buyers are very much like, oh, what's that? You know, they're so connected to their surroundings, they splinter around. Lots of detours. Yeah, it's a.

Angela Goodstein [:

It's an incredibly interesting theory. It's so deep. There's so many ways you can go with it to understand your. Yeah, yeah.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

I don't think he's a fire, and I don't think he's a water, but I curious about the. The wood or the metal are the two that I would be curious about him being wood or metal, but I'm not. I wouldn't know until he took the test.

Angela Goodstein [:

Wood and metal are the two elements that actually, like, have a lot of structure. I mean, this is why your secondary wood is so helpful for you, because with all the things you're doing in your business, like, you have that kind of, like, solid structure. Metals tend to be a little bit aloof. You know, they're, again, life cycle of the metal is old age, so they don't have time for, like, games. They're very hyper, like, focused on, like, what is the wisdom? What's the nugget that I can extract from this? And they're really good at applying the lessons from the things that they learn. Metals tend to be workaholic, which I have a perfect example of this, because last year, Chris Stapleton came and people were paying, like, $500 for the tickets, and it was, like, sold out months and months in advance. And my fire friend Aaron was like, hey, I have a ticket to Stapleton. Do you want to go? And I was like, they should probably work.

Angela Goodstein [:

And she was like, are you kidding me? Like, my spontaneous fire friend who's all about, like, joy and pleasure. Like, so she gets me out of my mettle, right? Because I have this friend who is spontaneous by nature. And, of course, I went, and it was amazing, but I couldn't. Like, I think back, I'm like, I can't believe I was like, oh, no. I should hope so.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

With your elements, like, how much of it is just constant and always the same and how much of it is in flux? Because, like, with love languages, which is a total different element and whatever else, I remembered that I was one love language, and I was surprised I took it, and I was a different one and realized I was so depleted in that love language or had been, like, stifled for so long that, like, I was expressing things differently, but my natural one was the one I always thought it was. So, like, with your energies, like, is it possible to take the quiz and depend on, like, where you're at and what's changed that it shifts? And, like, we've talked about, like, right now that mine are all pretty close. Like, the numbers are only a couple offer. Like, most of them, the top three or three. I think we're really close. Yeah, that is that something that, like, that changes. And if I would have taken this quiz, like, five years ago, that they would have been the numbers that have been very different, or is that something that, like, your energy and your primary rhythm is consistent?

Angela Goodstein [:

So that is a really good question, because there's. There's some different thoughts on this, but through my research and what I've learned is your primary rhythm comes through your family line. So, both my mom and my dad are metals, and then your secondary is actually a learned response to your main caregiver's, like, stress response. And so mine is earth, and my mom is very much a worrier. You know what I mean? So they don't typically change, and, you know, we're constantly evolving. So I wouldn't. I would. I would guess that maybe there could be a rhythm change if you have, like, a very traumatic event or something like that in your life.

Angela Goodstein [:

But for the most part, your primary and your secondary rhythm kind of stick with you throughout your life, which is great, because then you can learn about it and understand it and really kind of live your life based on what you understand about it.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

That's so interesting. So, I'm gonna. I'm gonna change one of my guesses, I'm gonna actually guess that Robie's one is a fire and his second is a wood. That is going to my guess because I actually would guess that his. There's a joke right now that I'm living with wedding Glow Robie, which somebody jokes is like a bad name for Kendall. And that's exactly what it sounds like, because that's exactly the joke that it is. Like, because now that we're married, he is this, like, this more truest version of himself than I've seen since I first met him when we were younger. But I was like, that's the truest version of him, which is more of that fire element that is more of that piece.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

That is more the truest version of him.

Angela Goodstein [:

But again, like, yeah, when you like, you know, when I look at him on Facebook and stuff like that, he looks lit from within to me. Like, he looks like a fuck.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Well, yeah.

Angela Goodstein [:

And I think that that's probably the true and joyful. Yeah, yeah.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

The truest version of him, I think, really is that. And he went through some very intense stuff in his life that I think that people that knew him for a long period of time and we weren't together until he's gotten to this place where he could truly be himself. That that's probably the most truest him is probably that. And I feel like the most expression that has been more consistent would be somewhere along that metal line by the little I know of all of this, but I'm very curious for him to take the test now.

Angela Goodstein [:

Yeah, I would love to see what he is and then to kind of discuss, like, the relate, you know, how you guys were late from a rhythmic standpoint, you know, because if he is a fire, if he is indeed a fire, fire feeds earth. So he's, you know, he's feeding you, and not that you're not feeding him, but just rhythmically he's feeding you. And, you know, that's kind of for you to decide. But it seems like he is, you.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Know, he definitely does. I think if there was, like, one way to find, like, why this relationship is the best thing that's ever happened to me, that would be why. So.

Angela Goodstein [:

Yes. Yeah, yeah. And then, like, you know, so to kind of reverse it, like, something to be aware of is, like, because you. He feeds you. Like, so for. So for me, as a metal, right. Metal feeds water. So I really struggled during the winters here because winters in central Oregon are, like, nine months long, and I am part of the collective metal that is feeding the collective water.

Angela Goodstein [:

Right. And so when you have these really long periods of feeding, that can be really challenging. Similarly, like a couple years ago when it was Covid and it was like 120 degrees in central Oregon and people's tempers were really hot and there was fires burning. I was literally melting because, you know, fire melts metal. So this is really something interesting to know from, like, a corporate standpoint for leadership, to know what are people's rhythms? Because you may not be able to expect as much from them during certain times of the year because that is a challenging time for them. Right. They're doing everything they can to sort of reserve their energies a little bit because they're on that speeding cycle. So.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Yeah, no, this is so exciting, and I love it because you're going to actually give us the link that we're going to put in the show notes so folks can actually take the quiz to get an idea of where they fall into this and learn more about this, which is amazing. And we'll have all the links to connect to you. And you're going to have, like, in the coming months, like, next, you're going to have an actual course that actually dives into this deeper. Right.

Angela Goodstein [:

Yeah, that'll probably be early next year, kind of in the really, you know, just sort of the muck of figuring out, like, what is the course? The course will likely include, you know, energy exercises to maintain balance for each of the rhythms. Talk a little bit more about interpersonal relationships, what positions within a company might be good for somebody. You know, waters are, like, really great for, like, the creative director. Right? They're not the ones that are going to see it through. You know, metals are great for, like, CFO's. I did a. I did some work with a company. It was like 30 therapists.

Angela Goodstein [:

They had me come in and do like, a retreat, a presentation for their retreat. And I was like, everybody's going to be on earth. Because therapists want to simulate change for people and, like, help them with trans. It's like, that's by nature what they do. And I was right. There was two people that were kind of the offshoots, and I was like, oh, I bet this one is like the scheduler, and this one is like the financial person. And it was totally right on, like, the two outliers. What I thought was really interesting working with those people, though, was that their secondary was often matched to the life cycle of the people that they served.

Angela Goodstein [:

So people who were secondary buyers were working with teams. Right. Child psychologists were secondary woods. So it was really interesting. And I I'm constantly learning as I do this with people, and I watch the dynamics. I've done some of these kind of readings is what I call them for families, where everybody takes a quiz, and then we kind of start to, like, understand how everybody works in the family dynamic. I'm constantly learning because it's just so interesting to just dive into, like, those interpersonal relationships and see it from the rhythm standpoint.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Oh, it's very exciting. This is very interesting because it's something that I'm just learning about as well. So it's so fun to dive into it. So each time on our podcast, we do jump into our self maintenance minute and what you do to take care of yourself. And so it seems like this would be a valuable thing to learn about you. What do you do to take care of yourself or for yourself? Maintenance?

Angela Goodstein [:

Oh, let's see. What do I do? Well, I regularly receive energy work, and some of that is, you know, I work on myself. I have kind of, like, a little daily energy routine that I do every day. And then I also receive from other people and nature, getting out in nature, playing with my dog, laughing. Like, these are all things that activate that radiant circuit energy system. And that really, the radiant circuits are really interesting because aside from, like, gratitude and joy, they also sort of, like, are able to hyperlink to wherever energy is needed in your system, like, in your physical body. And so keeping your radiant circuits really activated keeps your immunity up. So, yeah, finding those, like, things to.

Angela Goodstein [:

To activate the radiant circus, just being in nature and being around people that I love and cuddling with my pet and working with the crystal.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Yeah, yeah. I love it. I love it. And then for everyone listening today, like, what do you think is the most important thing that they can, like, take away and apply to their lives for their grit wit today, what do you want them to take away from this?

Angela Goodstein [:

I would say for people to. Just knowing the, you know, kind of what we discussed about those, the stress responses of each of the rhythms, I would tell people that if you just become aware of your stress response and even looking at, you know, your partners or your coworkers or your friends and, you know, what emotion they go to under stress, that can be helpful as you kind of dive into this theory a little bit, understanding them a little bit more, and understanding, like, what you need to bring yourself back into balance and what other people may need to bring them into balance. So just observing your stress response, which I'm not somebody who wants to, like, focus on the negative but that's really kind of one of the easiest ways to identify what rhythm is your primary.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Yes. That's a quick way to be able to discern it as you're learning about others as well. And this is so exciting. I love the work that you're doing that we got to learn more about it. Thank you so much. And what is the best place to follow you online or to connect with you online?

Angela Goodstein [:

So justiciahealing.com is my website. Justicia Artisan Jewelry is my jewelry website. And then I am on Instagram. Handles are just justiciahealing. And then justiciaartisanjewelry. Yeah.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Yes. And her jewelry is beautiful. You're going to love her jewelry as well. So you get the bonus of beautiful jewelry as well as this wonderful knowledge and information as well to do this. And if people are, if they feel like their work or their agency would benefit from you coming in and doing this work, they can just reach out to you or is there something on the website that can figure that out then?

Angela Goodstein [:

Yeah, yeah. There's a contact form on the website. You know, I work with people one on one. I do group workshops. I do these kind of corporate things. So yeah, just reaching out through the contact form on the website. Perfect. I'm the one that checks everything.

Angela Goodstein [:

Got it all.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Do it at all.

Angela Goodstein [:

That's wonderful.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Thank you so much. This has been so valuable. I really appreciate you coming and sharing this with all of us.

Angela Goodstein [:

I really appreciate the opportunity. It's so good to connect with you again. We have to do lunch.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Yes, yes, definitely.

Angela Goodstein [:

We have to do lunch.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Thank you.

Angela Goodstein [:

Thank you.

Shawna Rodrigues [:

Thank you for joining us today. I hope you enjoyed this episode. Be sure to jump on over to Instagram and follow us @the.grit.show. And if you aren't already following Authentic Connections Podcast Network @37by27, you should definitely be doing that as well. Don't forget, you are the only one of you that this world has got and that means something. I'll be here next Tuesday. I hope you are too.

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About the Podcast

Growth on Purpose
Are you a giver and a doer? Are you someone who has shown your grit and powered through, and now you're ready for the other side? Now you re looking for the conversations that remind you about self care, that bring to mind grace and understanding, and give you space to reflect on purpose. Do you want more room to breathe and to live life with a little more ease? Each week, we discover tools and ways of thinking that support alignment, build stronger connections, help us find better questions, and live our best life. Most weeks we laugh, some weeks the topics touch close to home, but ultimately; this is where we grow together as seekers and thrivers. The Grit Show - growth on purpose. https://podcast.TheGritShow.com

About your host

Profile picture for Shawna Rodrigues

Shawna Rodrigues

Shawna Rodrigues, Podcast Strategist and Founder of Authentic Connections Podcast Network, Host of The Grit Show (https://podcast.thegritshow.com), co-host of Author Express (https://bit.ly/AuthorExpressPod), and coming in 2024- Authenticity Amplified. Shawna is passionate about increasing the number of podcasts hosted by women, an internationally best-selling author (www.shawnarodrigues.com), and a sought after speaker & consultant.
Find her on Instagram @ShawnaPodcasts.