Episode 3

Published on:

2nd Aug 2022

Human Design and Living on Purpose w/Megan Seamans -3

In different ways and by varying influences, we’ve all been conditioned to move through this world in a certain way that has worked for others and been deemed acceptable. Human Design helps to unlock what is unique in each of us that may better illuminate ways our conditioning, and the things we keep hitting up against, may not be in our best interest. That these may not be in alignment with what will allow us to move through this world with more ease. Human Design was brand new to me and Megan Seamans was the perfect guest to lead us as we embark to learn a little more about Human Design; touching on the first layer of the five types that look at energy. Join us for an engaging conversation and an opportunity to expand your understanding of Human Design and how it might apply to your life.

Megan Seamans is a certified Energy Coach and Human Design Guide. She supports people to tap into their magic and confidently lead their life; without people pleasing, fear, or doubt standing in the way.

After navigating the loss of her brother in 2018 and facing burnout on the thing she was the most passionate about, she changed the way she looked at purpose.

Now, Megan helps humans around the globe to live their own kind of extraordinary. Megan’s been named the Clarity Queen as her coaching provides rapid clarity for people to go from frozen in time to magnetically in motion.

Connect with Megan Seamans:




Megan’s Book - Balanced Out: The 21-day guided workbook for women who want to move from overwhelmed and stressed to confidently living on purpose.


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Shawna Rodrigues 0:00

I'm guessing you might have taken a personality test or two. For work, curiosity, part of a program when you were in school, whether it's the Myers Briggs, the Enneagram, DISC, and one of the various others. There's lots of different measures people have created to help us learn a little more about ourselves. I'm intrigued by each and every one of these. I'm not looking for cookie cutters. I'm all about tools that can help us have different ways of looking at ourselves, our experiences and about the way we react to things. This is why I was so excited to connect with today's guest, Megan Seamans, and learn about her expertise in human design.

Shawna Rodrigues 0:40

prizes in the month of August:

Shawna Rodrigues 1:08

Today, we're going to talk more about human design and living on purpose. I'm sure you already know that living on purpose is something we care deeply about on The Grit Show. Something we'll talk about often. Human Design is a newer concept. There's this term I'd heard of passing. I like the sound of it though, and walks into it with a completely blank slate. And I hope you do as well. Even if you don't connect with exactly how your profile is determined, I think there's a lot to be gained and learned about the various types and seeing what speaks to you especially for the way Megan shares it. Megan is a certified energy coach and Human Design Guide. She's the creator of Rooted and Wild which you get to hear more about. She supports people to tap into their magic and confidently live their life without people pleasing, fear or doubt standing in their way. Thank you so much for being here today, Megan.

Megan Seamans 2:02

I'm so excited. I've been so excited all week for this conversation.

Shawna Rodrigues 2:06

I love it. I love it. I'm so glad you're here. And I'm also excited because we squeezed this adventure in because Megan is about to go on an even bigger adventure. Do you want to share with us where you're headed in next week?

Megan Seamans 2:18

I am. I have my one way ticket booked over to Scotland with little to no plans. And we'll just see where the adventure takes me.

Shawna Rodrigues 2:31

That is a great way to do it. I love it. And as we get to know her better, we're gonna learn how that folds into her fabulous philosophy. So where are you today? Where are you talking to us from?

Megan Seamans 2:41

Right now? I'm in Sunny, Orlando, Florida.

Shawna Rodrigues 2:41


Megan Seamans 2:41

Yes, trading the sunshine for the unpredictable Scottish weather.

Shawna Rodrigues 2:41

There you go. Well, it's getting to be a little too warm. Probably.

Megan Seamans 2:41

It's intense.

Shawna Rodrigues 2:42

Good time to trade. I'm sure when it comes like next February, you'll be wondering what it's like in Orlando. But right now, it's not a bad time to trade.

Megan Seamans 3:03

That's right. Probably.

Shawna Rodrigues 3:04

We had a brief conversation before we started and making got to learn the I knew nothing about human design. And so I am very excited about this conversation because I am learning right along with all of you about human design, and how it connects with being able to live on purpose, and how it connects all of us. So Megan, why don't you share with us, get us started teach us about human design.

Megan Seamans 3:28

I love it. So human design is literally the study of differentiation. So how all human beings are different. So there's actually 2 billion different configurations of a human design chart, right? I know.

Shawna Rodrigues 3:39

Wow. Yeah, that's a lot. That's definitely different than the personality charts.

Megan Seamans 3:42

Yeah. I've yet to see two charts that are the same and I kind of love it. That's what made me fall in love with human design because it really has this way of bringing your unique contrasts in where I was taking all these personality tests. And I would say I was an introvert on like Myers Briggs but then my astrology is Leo and so I'm like, How do I put those together? Like, how am I both Leo but also this introvert and every time I took the Enneagram I tested as something different and so I was so confused. Yes, and human design really brings these contrasts in and it shows me how all of those results in the personality tests in different modalities, they're correct for me. Human design just brought in those contrasts and showed me how they can all weave together and so really what it is is the, just your energetic blueprint. It shows you how your energy is made to show up with the least amount of resistance and in the most amount of ease. I sound like a broken record in my human design sessions because I'm like, it's all about the most amount of ease so I'm just constantly leaving that in. Yeah, it's, it's such a gift you can choose. It's like a permission slip. It's like coming back home. It's never brand new information. It's like a coming back home to, oh yeah, that's me. Like, I can feel that. So how it pulls that is from your birthday, time and location. So it never changes. It's really your soul's essence. And it pulls from different modalities you've likely heard of before like astrology, the chakra system, the ancient teaching, Kabbalah and some quantum physics to bring together your human design.

Megan Seamans 3:46

That's amazing. So how long cause it's a buzzword that I've heard, at least the last few years, but I'm guessing it's been around a lot longer than that.

Megan Seamans 5:26

So this system came together actually in the 80s. So not too long. However, of course, all of the different modalities that kind of come into play are ancient wisdom. So yeah,

Shawna Rodrigues 5:38

so when did you stumble onto it? How did you come to be connected to human design and learn all about it?

Megan Seamans 5:43

Yeah. So I kind of, the first time I found human design, I was like, Nah, that's not for me like,

Shawna Rodrigues 5:50

a little too.

Megan Seamans 5:52

Exactly, exactly. When I felt, I was like, my birthday. Like, you can't tell me anything about me by just my birthday. And I kind of like thought it for a bit.

Shawna Rodrigues 6:03

Well, on the location because I'm like, so my mom would have been traveling when I was born, are you a different person? Tell me more.

Megan Seamans 6:09

Yes. The birthday, time, location, it all can shift to what shows up in your design, especially in those kinds of smaller layers. There's kind of the main layer you'll usually hear about in your human design is your human design type. And that's definitely something we can talk about today. And then there's so many small layers underneath that, if you're born in a different location, if you're born in a different hour, it's all about how the energy was moving through the universe at that time, in that location. Yeah, it's, it's a little mystical. It's a little wild. And the more I sit with people, I have those moments of like, Yes, that's me, the more I'm like, it, it doesn't have to fully make sense. It just, it just feels. Yes, exactly, exactly. So I thought it for a while. And a lot of clients kept asking me, do you know that this human design thing? Have you heard of this human design thing? Can you tell me about it? And so the more and more and more nudges I got, the more I was like, Okay, let me look into it.

Shawna Rodrigues 7:07

If you insist I'll learn about it. And I love it, because she both talked about how wild it is. But it's also rooted in science. And later on, we're going to learn that she has a program that's rooted and wild totally connects that. She's even better than she realizes it all comes together. So because I hadn't heard of it, I've heard of human design, I had no clue that it connects to my birthdate, and to where I was born. And the time that I was born. I knew my birthday, I knew where I was born. But the time of my birth is a question mark. So we tried, I called my dad and got voicemail. And my partner sent me a note that he did not successfully find my birth certificate, but he's an angel, because he went looking for it. And my desk is a scary place. He did not find it successfully. But we tried to do that I'm now intrigued. So I'm gonna have to definitely find out for sure from Megan, what mine is, because I'm intrigued by this now, too, I want to find how it all fits together. So with your clients that usually your first step is to get that information and start from there in your conversations with them?

Megan Seamans 8:11

It is, yes, I love tapping into a client's human design, that's always going to be the first session we have the first thing we dive into, because then we can weave it through our entire coaching series. And like I was saying at the beginning, if a client's asking me, Can I do this? Or can I be this? Or can I try this strategy? My answer is always going to be yes. Now let's find the most life affirming most easeful pathway for you to do so. Let's find how your energy wants to move with that idea.

Shawna Rodrigues 8:41

Amazing. You haven't heard all this stuff, the background for this podcast. But that's kind of the point is helping people find how to move with ease. I love that you use that because that was a word I was using before because again, we want to thrive. The part of this is about the people we've had our challenges, we've exercised our muscles, we've shown we can get through the things. We want to get to a place where we can stop pushing so hard and trying so hard and being up against things and to kind of just move with things and have things fall into place a little bit more. And this is about finding the path that is the right path. That things are in alignment and you're able to flow with ease into what you're doing and what your goals are. So that's really what this helps guide.

Megan Seamans 9:22

Yeah, absolutely. It is truly magical to witness someone drop away from that conditioning, how they've been living through someone else's energy or through someone else's story and really fully embodied their design. It's such a gift. And one of the biggest things that drew me into this system when I finally was like, Okay, I'll look.

Shawna Rodrigues 9:44

Yes, so is everybody listening right now? I'm sure somebody's like, somebody else's story. Yeah, living someone else's story. I can totally identify with that. In fact, I can hear that voice in my head right now, whose story I'm living in that I didn't even realize I was living because I'm so busy doing it. I don't even realize where it's coming from some time. That's amazing. So for you and your own life, do you have some examples of what blocks you've been able to shift and move because you've been living in your design and better understand that?

Megan Seamans:

Yeah, absolutely. So I can share a little bit about the five types in human design, which is that first layer. And that was really one of the first things that supported me to shift out of some of those stories and to get in alignment with my energy. So I found out I was a projector in human design. And projectors are really known for being these guides with like this bird's eye view perspective, and really here to offer that wisdom out into the world. And they're also not here to do all the doing. So projectors are here to do their work in this block that feels really good for them, and then take rests have spaciousness. For a projector, they're not meant to like go, go, go, go, go, go, go go go, all the time. And for me coming home to that knowing of how I was trying to go, go, go, go, go, go, go, keep up in my business, like keep trying all the new strategies and bouncing around all these different things and like, oh, that strategy worked for this person. So I'm going to try it too. And I have to go faster and hustle harder. And when I could finally let go of that and see how spaciousness actually was my going fast, how spaciousness created a fast pace for me, it really opened my eyes up to like a new way of expressing myself, particularly in my business. But it's definitely showed up in other ways, too.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Oh, that's exciting. So do you want to talk more about the other four?

Megan Seamans:

Yeah, so we have our projectors, like I just shared, guide, bird's eye view, they're called non energy types. Don't love that language because a lot of people are often like, when they find out I have a projector, they're like, yes, so much energy. And it's not so much about having no energy, it's just about having, yeah, and knowing where, where it's coming from, in particular, because projectors can really get energized from other people, places, spaces, opportunities. And so noticing when you're operating from like your aligned state, versus like, Oh, I'm just trying to operate like someone else. We have our generators. Generators are really here to find the work they love doing and fully love doing it. There is nothing like a generator who's fully lit up. And when the generators fully lit up and satisfied with what they're doing, it gives energy to other people around them. And it also it makes them super magnetic. So generators are really here to be these creative beings who do have the capacity to once they find their thing to like go and please do not interrupt a generator when they're in their flow. Because that's a big no room for them. Generators are really, they have this powerful internal creative energy, and creative energy outside the box of anything you know about being creative, it's just doing what you love doing and being in that thing that fully lights you up. Once you're in that flow, you are just in it. And so for a generator to feel like fully satisfied with the day that looks like using up their energy in a way that feels fully satisfying for them and going to bed feeling like super complete and nourished with how they've used their energy. Yeah.

Shawna Rodrigues:

That is awesome.

Megan Seamans:

Potentially, the type we think you are, well find out soon.

Shawna Rodrigues:

I know. I'm so intrigued, especially because again, like the time that we had is like, it might be the complete opposite, but that definitely sounds completely like me, but then like, that stage is done. Yes, I'm so curious. Yeah, yeah, keep going. I want to hear what the rest of them. This is exciting.

Megan Seamans:

Yes. And you brought up a good point there because like yes, we all need spaciousness. We all need to be lit up. So if you're a projector and you're like, wait, shouldn't I be lit up like, it, like, a generator is? Yes, absolutely. And like generators were like, wait, I need breaks and spaciousness. Absolutely. It's more about getting in alignment. Like for a generator if you're not doing what lights you up, like majority percent of the time, you're going to drain that vital lifeforce energy out and we're gonna feel it. Like, you feel when a generator is not doing the things they love doing and like closes off a little bit. And you can feel when a projector is so drained out. So it's about getting to know your energy for sure. So next we have manifesting generators. Manifesting generators are kind of like our multi passionate people. They are like, they're fast movers like our generators, and they're really finding clarity through their process. So once a manifesting generator finds what they're yes is they're meant to go with that, yes, and hold as many yeses as possible for them. So a lot of manifesting generators have been told their whole life that they're like crazy or frantic because they're going around trying all the things and like doing a lot of different things all at once. And that is truly how their energy is meant to show up and shine. They're meant to hold as many yeses as possible for them and move with that process fast. Whenever I sit with a manifesting generator, I'm always like, what are we doing? Where's the excitement? Like what adventure are we going on? I can feel that buzz of we're like doing things and we're doing them quick.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Yes. And they're often told no, you need to focus here, you need to go in just one direction you need to niche. You need to just do this. Stop trying to do all the things. Just do this one thing, and that's completely against the grain for them. And that's so exciting for them to be validated on where their flow is. That's exciting.

Megan Seamans:

Yeah, you like hit the nail on the head of all the stories that any manifesting generator I've ever sat with has been told. You need to find one thing. You need to find your one thing. Whether it's when they're going through university and they're trying to find their major or like in business and they need to niche. Like, you're so spot on. And so letting go of that and just letting yourself operate in nonlinear path is so important for the manifesting generator. Yeah.

Shawna Rodrigues:

It's so exciting for people to feel validated and where they are and who they are. Because there's so much fighting to get those things. Keep going. This is fun. I like hearing about this. Tell me more.

Megan Seamans:

There are two more types. So we have the manifester. Manifesters are here to be bold, unapologetic, and they are here to make impact. Manifesters are here to initiate. So they really get the ball rolling for us. And they're here to like, bring these big ideas and new ways of doing things alive. And they don't necessarily love doing all the doing, they like to bring it alive. And then it can be really supportive for them to have people who can support that process. But they're like here, they're ready to go and they're ready to do the thing and their energy can feel quite intimidating to other people because they're quite protective with their energy. Manifesters are known for being lone wolves. And that certainly doesn't mean that they don't need people in their lives and they just operate in a really like independent way. Like, the manifester child is the one who's left the building and you're like, Where have they gone? What has happened? On the go. My brother, my brother was a manifester. And it always cracks me up because he was almost born in a parking lot. And I feel like from the time of his birth, he was like, I am here and I am ready to do things. Let's do it.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Yeah, try to keep up. You do need to keep up though. But I'm going. So yes, keep up. That's awesome. It's about awareness that they do need people to help with some of the things back here but not telling them where to go and not directing them. But to keep up to the other things get done in that path?

Megan Seamans:

Yes, yeah, certainly. Control can be a huge, like theme and shadow for the manifester. If they feel really controlled, they're likely going to fall into this place of anger and feel like the world is just like constantly pushing against them. And another really important thing for a manifester is to inform as they're going so that they can create some of that peace in their spaces and environments and opportunities that they're creating, so that we're all not just like, where did they just go? Like, what just happened? Like, we're in the now.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Oh, my gosh, I think, I'm not gonna start saying who I think I know is just like that. But I think I might know somebody who's like that. Okay, give us the, give us the fifth type.

Megan Seamans:

Yeah, the last type, these are reflectors and reflectors actually only make up 1% of the population. So they're quite rare birds. And they are very unique in their way that they express their energy. Reflectors are here to sample what's going on in the environment, and then magnify and amplify it back out into the spaces that they're in. So reflectors are constantly like sampling, what's going on around them. And then they're showing us from that place, like what's happening. So reflectors can make really powerful and potent leaders simply by just being in their energy, you can see what's going on in the space, like what's happening in the environment that you're in. And they really can feel like all of the types. Like, one day they might wake up and feel like a generator, where they can just go. One day, they might wake up and feel like a projector where they want to, like offer that guidance, they might wake up and feel like a manifesting generator where they like, want to try something new and see how the process goes. And so for the reflector, it's all about getting really present, and letting your energy ebb and flow. reflectors can also be quite sensitive to what's going on, because they are constantly like taking in that information. And so really noticing what's not theirs and being able to come to this grounded place within themselves.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Oh, wow, that's intense. And it's interesting to know that so few people have that, but that must be a hard one for them to identify where they land. I feel like this, I feel like this, trying to find their place.

Megan Seamans:

Yeah, I've been super honored to have a few reflector clients. I feel like I'm magnetize them in little bit. And I kind of lucked out because I learned so much from them. And they're always like very in tune with the collective and oftentimes they'll know things and then they'll tell me about it. And then the next day, they'll be like, you'll never guess what email I just received. It said the exact thing that I told you yesterday, like they're very intune. They're very connected, and they have really, really great wisdom to give us.

Shawna Rodrigues:

That's incredible. So then you also said that there's like 2 billion types. So then the five start here and then tell me where it goes. Tell me more about that.

Megan Seamans:

Yes. So there are 2 billion different human design configuration. So when you pull your human design chart, what you're gonna see is this body that has shapes and lines and colors, and you're gonna be like what is happening here? So this is where all of the different layers come in, and where all of the different like 2 billion different configurations come in, we have guests who have these energy types, and you're more than just one type. So along with your type, you'll have a strategy, which is your way of moving with life with the least amount of resistance, you have your authority, which is how you make decisions with the least amount of resistance, you have your profile, which is kind of like a costume to your purpose, you have all of the shapes, these are your centers, and that's how your energy flows through your body. All of the lines are your innate strengths. So there's all these layers. So even if let's say you are a generator, and you need another generator, yes, you aren't going to be the same or express that generator energy in the same way. Because you might have a different authority or a different profile, or different ways that the energy flows throughout your body. And so it's, it's layers, it's layers of layers, and the human design rabbit hole never ends, I'm still learning things. So there's just layers of information and contrast that goes into it all. And, you know, my biggest tip, if you're stepping into human science is like start one layer at a time, like really get to know your type, and then go into the next layer and see how that lands and feels with you and really integrate it into your life as you go.

Megan Seamans:

Yeah, that's wonderful. Can you give us a story like one of your clients about how this has supported them to be able to realize to live with your purpose, instead of it being like this outside thing that is something that you've integrated? Can you talk more about how your clients are able to use this knowledge and information in their work with you to be able to do that?

Megan Seamans:

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, to me, it's all about going through that deconditioning process, like noticing how you've been living against your design, how you've been creating friction in your life, you've been trying to operate in a way that isn't actually your energetic operating system. Honestly, client that comes up is actually a reflector client, learning that she was a reflector and learning that she had such unique energy made so much sense. It was like everything clicked of like, oh, that's why my career path has felt so hard. That's why it felt so hard to find my footing, my place in school, like what I wanted to do in life. Because when we could really come down to the lesson of you're meant to sample, you're meant to be fluid, you're meant to try different things and like, let life be a buffet and you're like tasting through the entire experience. And so giving yourself permission to let go of being the one thing and like being so masterful at the one thing and giving herself permission to be fluid and what she was doing to experiment with different careers and like see, like, Okay, let me try this out, see how it feels. Okay, that, that doesn't actually feel so good. Okay, let me try this and letting that be okay. And not making them mean that she was quitting or that she hadn't come to completion was such a gift to witness and just such a good expression of what it means to come home. She always wanted to do that. But it was letting go of those stories around what it means if you give up on a career, what it means to close a chapter and let herself just be in that space of like, I just want to be present and sample along the way.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Yes, get rid of the voices and start letting yourself start with a fresh slate.

Megan Seamans:

Yes, yes.

Shawna Rodrigues:

So exciting. So you mentioned your brother and his design, which was his design? Was he the manifester?

Megan Seamans:

Yes. Manifester.

Shawna Rodrigues:

The manifester. You mentioned that you lost your brother, were you able to find his type before you lost him? Or you just realize after that?

Megan Seamans:

It was after and it was actually one of the things that really drew me into human design. Like I felt the nudge, the nudge was, hey, I'm gonna look at it. I'm gonna look at my own type, like, great. Okay, yeah, I'm starting to see these things within me. Things started to click within my own design. And then one day I texted my mom and I was like, hey, what's Kirk's birthday, time and location. She sent it over to me and I pulled his chart. And it was like, seeing all of the gifts that he left us with. And like this knowing of oh, he lived his purpose, like every hour, and seeing it they're like seeing from him being a manifester. And like just doing the things. Like, he did things like, he randomly moved off to Spain and he was working at this coffee shop one time and just decided I'm gonna close early and just paint the walls for them. He was always just like, doing these things. So like, I don't think that's a lot. And then seeing these contrasts within his strengths like learning and mastering like science in different studies like that. And he was a physics major, but he also had these strengths in art and creativity and his minor was in photography. And so it was seeing all of these contrasts and ways that he lived. And knowing like, oh, he lived all of that up, what a gift. And now every time I see someone post a story about him on Facebook, or someone share an old photo or video of him, I just I know he lived his design. And I know that's the greatest gift you can leave on this earth. Yeah.

Shawna Rodrigues:

That is amazing. And what a great way to be connected to it to understand, to see you magnify if there's someone you cared about, and to know that they live their purpose, because they were able to do those things in all those ways that were such an example of how they were living that and being that. I like that story. So you have this exciting opportunity that is coming up for you with your clients and the work you do. Tell us more about that.

Megan Seamans:

Yeah, I've just opened up the doors to the super special program rooted in wild which actually came alive back in 2018, after I lost my brother. I was like navigating all many different things as grief does. It just surfaces up many emotions and memories and feelings and all of the things and at the time, I was living on another one way ticket at the time I was living in Thailand. And when he passed, I decided to get grounded, get roots, if you will, and a home and I was navigating all these stories, like I failed, I failed the one way ticket trip. It wasn't supposed to be like this. You know, one day someone asked me like what is home mean to you, and it just came out like home sometimes it's rooted and sometimes it's wild. And that's when this program started coming alive. Because I was like, Oh, that's it. You have to know when you're being called to be rooted. And when you're being called to live wild and give yourself permission to not make that mean anything and just let yourself live. Let yourself live in both rooted ways and wild ways. And so this program came alive. And I'm very excited. In 2022, it is now out into the world.

Shawna Rodrigues:

That is incredible. Those, they take time to grow and get to the place where they can just come to be in that level. I love the title. And I love how much it reflects the way you've lived your life. And to some extent sounds like the way your brother lived his life as well. But he had his moments where he was able to do both of those things also.

Megan Seamans:


Shawna Rodrigues:

So how can people connect with you and get connected to this?

Megan Seamans:

You can find me pretty much anywhere online with my name Megan Seamans. @MeganSeamans on Instagram, my website is, MeganSeamans.com, so you can find me there. Instagram is my favorite place to hang out. So you can always find me sharing on stories and reels and lots of fun tips and tricks. And you can find info for Rooted and Wild over there as well.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Oh. So I get to follow you on your adventures on Instagram, I love that. I love that. And we will definitely have that in the show notes and make that easy for you guys to find her as well. And it's Seamans with an S at the end too. The other thing that we also talk about on our show is self care, because we care about that. So what are some things that you do to take care of yourself?

Megan Seamans:

I love this question. Self care so important. Oh my goodness, let me give you a list of like 100 things.

Shawna Rodrigues:

That works. People need examples because honestly, it's hard to fit in sometimes. And so 100 examples is a good thing.

Megan Seamans:

I love it. So my personal favorite self care is always going to be getting outside in nature. Like, it is incredible what even just stepping outside barefoot, putting my feet in the grass for like 30 seconds can do, that is always going to be my all time favorite self care. I would say one of my other favorite self cares is working with the coach, working with someone if you can give me that outside perspective, I always feel good after a good coaching session and knowing like, okay, I can do this.

Shawna Rodrigues:

I don't think people recognize enough of doing that. Like when I talked to my friends about finding a therapist, finding a coach, finding that support that really is me time. That is you taking care of yourself and nurturing yourself. To give yourself that space. Because we all have things to navigate and finding and finding the time to quiet down. If you have the discipline to do that on your own, that is amazing. If you have a dedicated time each week or once a month, or whenever you have that space to sit with somebody and do that reflection and do that, adjusting your compass and, and having that focus and diving deep. That's an amazing thing to be able to make time for. So that's, that's incredible. That's a great one. Awesome. Give us, give us one more. One more.

Megan Seamans:

One more, one more. Let's see, I'll say another favorite self care is following my threads of joy. So sometimes that's gonna look like you know, meditating for a bit and sometimes that's gonna look like going out to get my favorite doughnut. But whatever that thread of joy is for me in the moment, it's always gonna be self care.

Shawna Rodrigues:

I like it. I like joy. We like joy. We like being in the moment that's out there.

Megan Seamans:

Yeah, yeah.

Shawna Rodrigues:

So one thing is that we have, we actually have coloring books that we offer, that we sell. And part of that is for folks to have something they can use, have these little moments of self care. And we give all of our guests a free coloring book.

Megan Seamans:


Shawna Rodrigues:

So since you travel internationally, we're going to send you the PDF copy.

Megan Seamans:

Love it.

Shawna Rodrigues:

And then when you get back stateside, you can always, and think, Shawna, send me the physical copy. And I sure will. So would you like the Vintage Mermaid and Magnificent Ocean? Or the You Got This with funny inspirational quotes?

Megan Seamans:

I'm going to take Vintage Mermaid.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Awesome, well, I'm definitely making note of that. And we'll send that to you, and you'll have to let us know what you think about that. Because

Megan Seamans:

this looks so fun. I have never received a gift on a podcast. I feel like I just want to like throwing confetti.

Shawna Rodrigues:

I remember like when I lived in Boston, I used to do workshops for families and for teachers and for different things. And the first time I did one, and they gave me a gift card to Barnes and Noble, it might have been for $10. But the first time they gave me the little thank you like that, I was over the moon. I know. They paid my agency, it was my job, right? And I got paid to go to these things. But the first thing I got a little thank you, it was like, Oh, thank you. I love thank you. So you're not getting paid to be here. So you should at least get a thank you, right?

Megan Seamans:

Oh, my goodness. Yeah, this is so exciting. I literally feel like everyone goes celebrate someone today because it is the best feeling.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Well then, take it. And the big thing we like to do for all of our audience, too, is to give them something actionable that they can walk away with. And so is there a way that people can find out what their human design is? Is there some little piece of information they can take away from today that they can go implement tomorrow or this afternoon into their lives? Tell us.

Megan Seamans:

Yeah, absolutely. So you can get your human design online for free, you can literally just look up human design chart. And you'll find several different places you can input your birthdate, time and location, and you will see your energy type, like the five types we talked about today, you'll see that in writing so that you won't have to like decipher anything or anything like that. So you can pull that and start to integrate some of the things you heard in this episode today. And also, I would encourage you to journal around what in your life feels like friction and what feels like fun. So you're starting to kind of take that inventory of where am I using my energy in the most aligned way? And where am I maybe perhaps straightening it out?

Shawna Rodrigues:

Oh, I love that. Alright, so journaling, finding friction, finding fun, getting a little more of that alignment. And then it is that simple. That once you know the words human design, you can just Google and go find your human design type. You do need to know your birth time. So strangely, if you're like me, and you don't know that and I don't have a mom to easily ask she's no longer with us. So hopefully you have either someone you could ask who knows easily. I am impressed with my dad knows. I'm so, I think even once I find it, on my birth certificate. I would be like, Dad, you know what time I was born. He has four kids, so I'm really gonna be surprised if he even knows if it's morning or night.

Megan Seamans:

Yeah, but yeah.

Shawna Rodrigues:

He probably, he probably does. And then I'll look silly, because I was surprised.

Megan Seamans:

And may offer one more tip for your audience if they dn't know their time of birth?

Shawna Rodrigues:

Yes, yes.

Megan Seamans:

Okay, well, yeah. Cool. So if you don't know your time of birth, and you're like, I can't find it. Like, of course. Yeah. Look, see if you can get your birth certificate. There are public records. Like if you call your hospital, so you can absolutely can do that. You can also just sit with someone who knows human design, and you can input different times of the day and see what lands with you. Because at the end of the day, human design is coming back home to you. And you're going to know your way. So I will not be surprised if you were spot on and knew exactly what your type was. But yeah, you can sit with someone who does know human design. And they can tell you like oh, if it's this time, then this changes. If it's this time then this changes. Yeah.

Shawna Rodrigues:

Oh, nice. It's tricky, tricky. And that was wonderful. So thank you so much, Megan. This has been amazing. It was delightful to meet you. And I think we've all learned a lot today, which has been wonderful. So thank you. So we're excited of Rooted and Wild is something you can get connected to as she is launching that. That is going to be very exciting. And if you're interested in checking out our coloring books, you can get sample pages at our website, www.thegritshow.com.

Shawna Rodrigues:

We are still working on getting this week's wisdom up on our website. It's simply a document where you get to note something valuable you got from the conversation, how it connects to your life, how you can apply it and integrate it. And it's also a document that I'll use to fill out those same questions so that you can have something to reference in case you get a little stuck. That's also why we have a book community. Unfortunately, figuring out the tech is not my strength. I'm still figuring out how to make it work. Have patience, though and check back eventually it will be there for your reference and for you to utilize. We are also going to be giving away coloring books during the month of August to celebrate our launch. As well as a $50 gift card. So head on over and follow us on Instagram, @The.Grit.Show. And check back there, we will have more information as this opportunity unfolds. You can also learn more about it on our website, www.thegritshow.com. There we'll have a little more information about how you enter and how you can win. I know you're most excited about that gift card aren't you? I haven't decided where it's for. Amazon seems to try it. I really liked the idea of a gift card to a spot. That's hard to do. And I don't know where all of you live. If you have thoughts and ideas, DM me on Instagram and let me know what you think. But there's definitely a gift card involved. And probably a little choice on behalf of the winner where it's too. I'm also excited about getting his coloring books out into the world now that they're finally ready and released. So far, the one we have ready for release is the one that our wise guests chose. Vintage Mermaid and the Magnificent Ocean. We're still working on the one for quotes. So keep your eye out for that one. But you can get your copy of the Color of Grit Vintage Mermaid and Magnificent Ocean on Amazon. Or there's also a downloadable copy you can print at home, more information in the show notes or on our website as well. Thanks again for joining us today. You were an important part of this conversation. And I look forward to being here again with you on Thursday. And again next week. Thanks for being here, Megan.

Megan Seamans:

Thank you so much. I'm so grateful.

Shawna Rodrigues:

For the rest of you, take care of you. You're the only one of you that this world has got and that means something.

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About the Podcast

Growth on Purpose
Are you a giver and a doer? Are you someone who has shown your grit and powered through, and now you're ready for the other side? Now you re looking for the conversations that remind you about self care, that bring to mind grace and understanding, and give you space to reflect on purpose. Do you want more room to breathe and to live life with a little more ease? Each week, we discover tools and ways of thinking that support alignment, build stronger connections, help us find better questions, and live our best life. Most weeks we laugh, some weeks the topics touch close to home, but ultimately; this is where we grow together as seekers and thrivers. The Grit Show - growth on purpose. https://podcast.TheGritShow.com

About your host

Profile picture for Shawna Rodrigues

Shawna Rodrigues

Shawna Rodrigues, Podcast Strategist and Founder of Authentic Connections Podcast Network, leads the Solopreneur Sisterhood and hosts Authenticity Amplified (https://bit.ly/AUAMP). She helps purpose-driven solopreneurs connect with their ideal clients through podcasting and is passionate about increasing the number of podcasts hosted by women. Shawna believes the first step to having the podcast you are meant for is podcast guesting (https://bit.ly/5TipsGuest).
She knows that community is the key to success (solopreneurs don't have to do it alone) and that authenticity is your superpower. A sought-after speaker & consultant, Shawna savors perfectly steeped London Fogs and walking beside the roaring ocean with the love of her life. Find her on Instagram @ShawnaPodcasts.